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Join us for Worship each Sunday at 10:30am or,

watch our service livestreamed on YouTube.

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What is worship at West Vancouver Presbyterian Church? It is lively, peaceful, musical and thoughtful. It is children mingling with their church family. (There is a nursery available for toddlers 3 years and younger.) It is joy in the presence of God. And, you can experience this every Sunday at 10:30 AM, as well as on special occasions!


But, what might you expect as you walk through the doors? First, you will be greeted by some friendly faces and handed a “bulletin,” which outlines the service. The bulletin tells you what to do and what is coming up next, and when to stand and when to sit. You can make your way to a pew of your choice and get yourself settled while listening to some quiet organ music that centers you for the worship experience. Prayers, music, singing, and a good sermon are all elements of our worship time together. You will find both contemporary music and classic music for both piano and the organ. You will find a welcoming smaller congregation with a family-feel to it. You can dress up or come in your jeans.


After Service Social

After the service, you are welcome to join us downstairs for tea, coffee, conversation …

and often some good baking, too!


Please join us!

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