Knit & Natter: On Tuesday mornings, at 10am, a group meets with knitting or other
projects, enjoys coffee and nattering together. In the past they have knit shawls for the needy and
little orange sweaters to remember the Residential School children. Their next project is to knit
squares for a quilt. They meet on alternate weeks at May Loudon’s or Jean Lawrence’s
homes—in the garden or by the sea, weather permitting.
Wednesday Morning Faith Study Group: (10:30-11:45am):
Lively discussions emerge from the study of faith-related books such as Henri Nouwen's Reaching Out, Anne Lamott's Help, Thanks, Wow, Harold Kushner's The Lord Is My Shepherd, Barbara Brown Taylor's Holy Envy.... Currently (October, 2022) the group is reading and discussing Amy-Jill Levine's Signs and Wonders. Newcomers are welcome! Contact Cathy Sosnowsky, 604-770-4570 or for more information.
As an outreach to our community, choir members and others who like to sing, gather at the Hollyburn House to sing for its residents. Usually the fourth Monday of the month at 1pm.
Food Bank
Donations of non-perishable items may be left in the Food Bank box by the front door. Every second Sunday of each month is “Food Bank Sunday.”
IGA Receipts
Are you saving your IGA receipts? Some of you, possibly new in our Church Family, may not be aware of this program. There is a box on the table in our entrance where you can deposit your receipts. It takes $5,000of receipts to produce one $20 IGA gift voucher.
Lend an ear
Lend an ear is a program at the Western Institute for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Shirley Pearson was involved in this project for about ten years, and came up with the “Lend an ear” marketing tool.
If you have used hearing aids, please give them to Shirley Pearson to support this program.
Used eye glasses
Please put used eye glasses in the box by the front door, collected and donated to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop.
Help the BC SPCA! All stamps collected will be brought to the BC SPCA.