West Vancouver Presbyterian Church Choir plays an important role in the weekly Sunday service. Although small in size, the group is dedicated to provide meaningful and quality music. The members are all enthusiastic music lovers with professional or to-be-professional singers as their section leaders.
The choir provides leadership for the congregation in the singing of hymns and offers special music such as anthems, often with some of the choir members as soloists. We have fun working and socializing together and welcome all who enjoy singing their praises to God.
The choir gathers to rehearse at 9:15am each Sunday morning. The choir participates throughout the year September to June, with July and August off.
Every fourth Sunday of the month the congregation is invited to come early (10:15am) to join in singing favourite hymns, calling out those favourites from the pews. An impromptu sing-along!​
Even if you can’t sing regularly with the choir, consider joining our rehearsals for the Christmas Eve or other special services.
For more information on our music programs, contact our music director, Kelly Nobles, at 604-726-3901, or kelly.nobles@gmail.com.